Eric Celarier, East City Art Reviews, April
Delia Blanco, “Resiliencia e incertidumbre, una experienca visual, Hoy, guardians de la verdad, March
Tara Jones, Local university exhibits focus on child labor, Limaohio.com, January
Wall Street International Magazine, January
-Ada Treves, Ferrara, il Giardino della nostra vita, Pagine Ebraiche, December
-Estense.com, L’arte di Finzi a Ferrara, November
-Callie Adkins, World-renowned artist brings his work to Radford University, The Tartan, November
-DeWitt Cheng, Eric Finzi:”Feel” at Mark Wolfe Contemporary, Art ltd.,May
-Kathryn McKinney, Eric Finzi’s “Feel” at Mark Wolfe Contemporary Art, SFAQ International Arts and Culture
-New American Paintings, issue #100
-Mark Jenkins, Painting’s still in vogue and everywhere in D.C., Washington Post, February
-Sarah Wildman, Arts and Sciences: Surgeon Eric Finzi is redefining the art of medicine, DC Magazine
-Molly Petrilla, Artist with a syringe, Pennsylvania Gazette
-Laura Hanefeld, The Alchemist: Art meets science at Perihelion Arts, Phoenix New Times, February
-Lili Menconi, Arty Girl: Meet artist Eric Finzi tonight, Phoenix New Times, January
-Remy Melina, A wrinkle in time, Gradient Magazine,Frequency 2, September
-Virginia Myers, Eric Finzi: Sculpting art and bodies, Bethesda Magazine, July/August
-Eric Woodward, It’s alive!, Baltimore Style Magazine, May,June
-Best Exhibits, Orbs:New Resin Paintings, Baltimore Examiner, April 10
-Featured Artist, Eric Finzi, Urbanite Biweekly, April 23
-Julie Dye, Best Best for April 10-16, Carroll County Times
-Walter Robinson, Fair Weather? The Bridge Art Fair, Artnet Magazine(April)
-Katrina Threat, EricFinzi, MarylandPublic TV(April)
-Lavanya Ramamathan, Springtimes Flower Power, Washington Post, March 22
-Eric Finzi’s “Musings” at Heineman Myers, Antiques and the Arts Weekly, March 7
-Lavanya Ramanathan, For the kids (and kids at heart), Washington Post, March 1
-Jessica Dawson, At Heineman Myers, Celebrity Treatment, Washington Post, March 14
-Zajac, Mary K., Chaos Theory, How Eric Finzi directs – and Delights in – His Unruly Art, Maryland Life Magazine (Sept/Oct)
-CultureCatch.com, Video Podcast # 41 featuring Eric Finzi
-Cudlin, Jeffry, Hatchets and Skewers (January 12)
-Mellema, Kevin, North Virginia Art Beat, Falls Church News Press (January 4)
-Young, Amy, Eric Finzi, Artist Interview, Coagula Art Journal # 81, (pg. 26-27)
-Modern Meets MoCo, Washington Post, Montgomery Extra (June 29)
-Tanguy, Sarah, Janus: Today is Tomorrow’s Past, exh. cat., Maryland Art Place, MD
-Bleckman, Rachel, The Surgeon’s Canvases, Washington Post (July 6)
-Leibel, Aaron, Master of Two Worlds, Washington Jewish Week (July 10)
-Sullivan, Victoria, Eric Finzi: Slipping into the Liquid World of Lewis Carroll, Culture Catch (June 27)
-McCabe, Bret, What’s in a Name?, Baltimore City Paper (April 12)
-Wakefield, Harry, Eric Finzi, Lewis Carroll, Art MoCo (March 3)
-Cleveland, David, Augustine: Remembrance of Things Past, exh. cat., Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York
-Smith, Edward-Lucie, The Landscape of the Body, exh. cat., Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York
-Sexton, Elaine, The Landscape of the Body, Walter Wickiser, ARTnews (October, p.168)
-Andrews, Scott, Eric Finzi at Perihelion, Java Magazine (no. 131, December, p. 16)
-Shoebang, Eddie, In This Chaos, Beauty is Found, College Times (December 1, p.18)
-Potts, Leanne, Malice in Wonderland:Down the Rabbit Hole at Perihelion, Phoenix New Times (December 22)
-Morgan, Robert C., Eric Finzi : Tales of Oswego, exh. cat., Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York